Edgar Sargsyan
Senior Backend Engineer / Cloud Solution Architect
Hi! I'm Edgar!
I'm Senior Back End Software Engineer and Cloud Solution Architect with solid experience in building massively scalable systems (mostly using JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js) both from scratch and diving into an existing codebase. My aim is not only to establish coding but also to provide relevant and clear-cut coding methods that are implemented in order to attain the most efficient coding system possible, writing of the high-performance code, increasing code coverage by unit and integration tests, saving time and resources for wasting, acceleration of releases, hardworking, team management, decision making, and problem-solving, strong communication and collaboration, I'm able to motivate and lead others in a team environment, to work in a team, and in stressful situations.
Feel free to contact me and have a nice day!
Skill Highlights
- Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, Python
- Amazon Web Services(AWS): IAM, EC2, Lambda, Step Functions, S3, DynamoDB, Aurora, RDS, API Gateway, CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, CodeBuild, SES, SNS, SQS, VPC, Route53, CloudWatch, CloudFormation, CloudFront, Amazon ECS/ECR (Docker) etc...
- Technologies: Node.js, AWS, Serverless, Express.js, Nest.js, WebSockets, GraphQL , Jasmine, Jest, Sinon, Mocha, Chai, ExtJS, RabbitMQ, Kubernetes, Docker/Docker-compose, OpenCV, Keras, Terraform, TensorFlow, Blockchain, Solidity
- Source Control: Git, SVN, AWS Codecommit
- Tools: GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Jira, Trello, ClickUp, Asana, Kibana, LogDNA
- Databases: Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, SQL, MsSQL, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Cassandra DB, Hana DB
- ORM/ODM: Sequelize, TypeORM, Mongoose, Knex
- Methodology: Agile, Scrum, Kanban
- Documenting: Confluence, Redoc, Swagger, OpenAPI3, apidoc
Senior Backend Engineer at HyperGuest 04/2022 - to present
Working on the services and projects based on Node.js, TypeScript, Express, Nest, MongoDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Jest, Docker/Docker-Compose, Jira, ClickUp, Git/CodeCommit/GitHub, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), SQL/MYSQL/PostgreSQL, Redis.
- Build the services from scratch
- Work with the existing services and legacy codes
- Rewriting and refactoring of code
- Build private packages
- Build analytics-service
- Optimization of the services
- Build the service to test whole HyperGuest system
- Different APIs and services integration
- Writing tests
Senior Backend Engineer at Onsweb(from Preezma company):
04/2021 - 04/2022
Working on the monolith and microservices architecture projects based on Node.js, TypeScript, Nest.js, MsSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, Docker/Docker-Compose, Kubernetes, Jira, Git/GitLab, Confluence, Swagger, GraphQL. Some of the biggest projects is an IKEA, Umbrella, Penta, OwConnect projects.
- Work with monolith and microservices architecture projects also with the legacy codes
- Different APIs and services integration
- Writing E2E tests and increasing test coverage, code optimization
Senior Software Engineer Digital14: 11/2020 - 04/2021
Abu Dhabi Government Services - TAMM: A unified system helping you find Abu Dhabi government services and
(Node.js, Express, TypeScript, Docker, Docker-Compose, Kubernetes,
Redis, MariaDB, GraphQL, Swagger, Calamary, Kibana, GitLab). TAMM, a product of Ghadan 21 and developed through the cooperation
with all government entities in Abu Dhabi, harnesses the latest
technologies and digital solutions to provide seamless service
experiences for customers. Operated by Abu Dhabi Digital Authority
(ADDA), the ecosystem provides its customers with a comprehensive
range of government services through one single point of access at any
time and place. Using TAMM, customers can have direct access to
services and information without having to visit each and every
government entity. TAMM continues to advance the digital
transformation in Abu Dhabi by providing all Abu Dhabi citizens,
residents and visitors with high quality and efficient government
services through safe and integrated digital platforms.
- Work on existing microservices (more than 500) and build new ones
- Sped up of microservices performance, code optimization, SQL queries optimization
- Writing Unit tests and increasing Unit tests coverage
- Code reviewing and deployment processing
Back End Software Engineer / Team Lead || Cloud Architect at Preezma:
10/2019 - to present
- Eatnact: Leading backend team (Node.js, AWS, PostgreSQL, Bitbucket) Backend team Lead
- Carrier Community: The global Community for telecom industry (Node.js, Express, AWS, PostgreSQL, Socket.io, Bitbucket) REST API implementation and Socket.io integration for the chat functionality
- Chatmantics: Conversations that drive efficient customer acquisition. Chatmantics is a conversational automation platform that allows you to plan, deploy and integrate virtual assistants powered by AI and Natural Language (Node.js, Serverless, AWS, Aurora(Mysql), GitHub) . Payment method integration(Stripe). Different tables data getting, filtering, searching, sorting and exporting as CSV.IBM Watson API integration (Bots). Nexmo and Bandwidth APIs integration.Automated voice and text messaging system implementation.
- Roster Metrics: Machine Learning Powered Fantasy Sports Projections (AWS, Serverless, Node.js, PostgreSQL, GitHub). I'm worked on Back End, Database and Cloud Architecture. Payment method integration(Stripe). Integration SportsData.io API.Syncing data with SportsData.io API (NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, MMA, PGA, etc...), Projections getting, filtering, searching, sorting and exporting as CSV. Lineup Optimizer implementation using R scripts
- Memo.am: A platform to order pictures in frames. (AWS S3, Node.js, Express, Docker, Docker-Compose, MySql, GitHub).I'm worked on Back End, Database Architecture DevOps, and Cloud Architecture. Payment methods integration(Ameria bank, Idram).
- REST APIs implementation
- AWS Cloud Architecture and Serverless applications
- Creating automated conversation and messaging system
- Payment systems and relevant APIs integration
Back End Software Engineer | Team Lead at LS Innovations:
01/2018 - 10/2019
- Mytravelbiz: Mytravelbiz is a platform for buying and booking airline tickets, booking cars and hotels. Also, have a Multilevel Marketing, Wallet and Direct Sales (AWS, Serverless, Node.js, DynamoDB, GitHub) Worked with different API-s for getting, booking, buying, updating and canceling Hotels, Cars, and Airline tickets(Priceline, Expedia, etc... ). Implementation Payment Methods(Stripe, SnapPay, PCI Gate, CoinPayments). KYC system. Created MTB Wallet with its own payment system. Also worked on creating an admin panel to manage all system.
- Travelcoin Foundation: Purchase system of coins that you can spend in Mytravelbiz platforms (AWS, Serverless, Node.js, DynamoDB, GitHub). Auto Buy system. Matching algorithm system.Coins purchase with different coins(BTC, ETH, etc...). Deployed Smart contracts. Also worked on creating an admin panel to manage all system.
- Travelcoin Plus: ICO
- Adlooker: VR and AR Network (AWS, Serverless, Node.js, DynamoDB, GitHub).
- Snowbus: A similar platform with Mytravelbiz but in the field of ski resorts. (AWS, Serverless, Node.js, GraphQL, MongoDB, GitHub).
- Build Serverless applications and AWS cloud architecture
- Payment methods integration (Stripe, PSI Gate, Shopify, AliPay, CoinPayments, etc ...)
- Booking APIs integration (Expedia, Priceline, etc ...).
- Blockchain, build smart contracts, ICO
- Build algorithms (matching algorithms, auto buy, etc ...)
- Code reviewing and deployment processing
- Build algorithms (matching algorithms, autobuy, etc...)
Back End Engineer And Cloud Architect (Freelancer):
from 04/2017
- E-coShip: eCommerce Platform works with eBay, Amazon, Magento and delivery platforms DHL, IPO, DPD etc... (Node.js, Express, Mongodb, GitLab).
- Work on various projects based on Node.js, Express, Serverless, AWS, Lambda/Lambda Edge, DynamoDB, SQL, and NoSQL databases.
- Build Lambda/Lambda EDGE functions
- Creating algorithms to get hashes and optimizations
- Build Serverless applications
- Build Solutions Architecture
- Work with relevant Crypto Exchange APIs
- VPS and VDS servers configuration
- Machine Learning and AI
- Hacking and Security
- Blockchain, Web3
- Sport and Extreme
- Snowboarding
- Films and Music